
About Us

At the start of 2018 we rescued our first owl patient. Little did we know how this would affect us in the coming years.

 Initially our aim was to build a rehabilitation Centre for owls only. The need for such a Centre grew year by year with an increase of more than 60% annually, and the need for other species also increased. We were extremely lucky to find ourselves the caretakers of a beautiful property in St Helena Bay which was donated for this cause. Unfortunately, as time moved on, we had to give up our stunning sea view and move to a Farm outside Velddrif after a couple of years, a safe haven for wildlife, where we could build more aviaries day camps, and much larger enclosures.

The Owl Orphanage is a rehabilitation center for injured, poisoned and orphaned Birds of Prey and Blue Cranes.

The Need

Indigenous birds and wildlife are increasingly threatened by numerous factors: climate change, human population increase, construction, wire fencing, electrical overhead cables, indiscriminate use of poison, increased traffic, destruction of natural habitat, growing numbers of domestic dogs and cats, misunderstanding and superstition. So there is a pressing and urgent need to create not only awareness of the facts, but to establish places of refuge for our indigenous birds and wildlife.

Thank you to our Sponsors......

We are deeply grateful to our sponsors:

- George Botten @ GAB Computers for the website (Cape Town)

- A Really cool Englishman who loves wings, birds and planes

- Vanilla Man


What to do with an injured owl / bird:

• Don’t assume that a baby owl or other bird on the ground is in distress. Check that the parents aren’t there. They are usually not far away since not all babies can fly yet.

• Place an injured bird in a dark container with air holes, or cover with a towel or other soft material. This has a calming effect and reduces stress. Contact your local vet, sanctuary or SPCA. Please handle with care!

• DO NOT chase an injured bird or animal! Stress is the biggest killer. They might also bite out of fear. Rather contact someone with experience.

• Remember: a distressed wild bird or animal will view you as an enemy and will act accordingly. Wait for someone with the right equipment to assist. Keep the bird/animal under observation from a distance.

Happy Feet dancing

Appealing to the public for awareness

Digital News Link About Us

Links below:


With another rehabilitation centre closed in Wolseley, our rescue arena is getting further and further afield.
We are desperately looking for volunteers in various areas. Any one who has a passion for wildlife and who is willing to learn how to become a first responder, please contact me.
We will provide training.
Unfortunately we cannot get to every area and do all the rescues every day. Sometimes we just need someone who is willing to pick up a bird and get it to a vet or our centre.
Sometimes we need someone to just secure a bird for us, until we can get there.
If you are interested in helping us save our wildlife, please send me a WhatsApp on 072 040 5465
Volunteers, in areas most needed at the moment.
Riebeeck West
Lambert's bay
Table view
Stellenbosch/ Somerset West
Hout bay
All, in other areas, Swartland, West Coast, Winelands, Overberg and Cape metropolitan are welcome to join our team.
With less and less rehabilitation centres around to help save our Birds of Prey and Blue Cranes, our centre is bursting at the seams.
We do everything in our power and as funding allows, we grow and expand to handle the influx.
We are constantly building more enclosures and camps to accommodate as many birds we possibly can.
At my age I am supposed to start thinking about slowing down, according to the norm. Unfortunately the need to save our environment is growing by the minute.
Our passion and experiencing the impact of human hand on our environment, we simply cannot rest.
What we do ain't easy. It's a rollercoaster.
We have good days and we have bad days.
We manage to save a life and we loose a life, but we will fight to save each and every life we possibly can.
With that said sadly if a bird cannot return to the wild we must make decisions that break our hearts, every time.
If you are passionate about our wildlife, please contact us. Together we are stronger and can save many more lives. 

Follow / like Us!

Donations link for Owl Orphanage

Owl Orphanage PBO No. 930072975
Now companies are welcome to help fund us,  We are able to write tax exemption certificates for corporate donation's.  

Whatsapp contact list

Jacques: Owner and animal rehabilitation 
Tania Copeland: Owl Orphanage Administrator 

Click on the icon next to the names to have direct whatsapp communication



Secretary Bird and Enquiries

Tania Copeland

Owner and Animal Rehabitation Officer

Jacques Nel

Drop a Line

Whatsapp Jacques directly

Donations can be paid into:

West Coast Environmental Project Fund  T/A  Owl Orphanage


Cheque Account: 4098603515

Branch Code: 632005


Reference: Project name .eg "Seals, Owls, Tree, etc"

Owl Orphanage PBO No. 930072975

All Proof Of payments to be sent strictly to

Please include your name and contact details when making a donation.


West Coast
South Africa 

Phone Jacques Nel: +27 72 0405 465

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